We offer the most professional, detailed body repair service in the Edgerton Wisconsin area! No matter how large or small or repair may be, we can help. We are offering NEW FOR 2020 - 0% Financing on insurance deductibles! This way we can get your car in, get it fixed, and put you back in the driver's seat with as little a hit on your wallet as possible - while still providing the best repair work around. Everything from Minor door dings & scratches, to full service body repair and frame straightening - we can do it! We offer:
- FREE loaner vehicles available (We have our own loaners in stock and ready to go)
- FREE interior and exterior detailing with every repair!
Factory Oven-Baked Garmat Paint Booth System (See photos of our booth in gallery)
Computerized "Car-O-Liner" Unibody & Frame Straightening
Guaranteed Computerized Color Matching
Tire Replacement & Repair (Any brand any size available)
And more!
Top this off with our expert car detailing service and your vehicle will look better leaving Simmons Auto Body than it did before you had a reason to bring it here.
We offer every aspect of vehicle detailing, from shampooing your car's carpets to cleaning your windows, removing road tar, and give it a great wax and polish job!
If you value your vehicle and want the best care given to it possible, we highly encourage you to contact us today!